June 11th, 2015


*Hello friends, I hope summer has found you and you take this opportunity to settle into a more laid back schedule and a “do what you want” approach to each day. I plan to… 🙂

I am soaking up all the fun that summer brings with these three gifts!

my three loves

Blog Update

I have changed the face of our CRE Blog as a means to simplify the format. I have received positive feedback thus far and hope that you find it easy to manage and access for information.

Office Update

I will be out of the office, with the exception of intermittent work days, for the next few weeks. Eveyln and Mrs. Thompson will be in the office and I am always available should a significant need arise. The summer office hours are M-Th 8:00-3:30, closed from 12-2:30 daily for June and July. We will return to regular business hours on Mon. Aug. 3rd.

Hiring Update

At this point we have filled the following positions:

Haley Engle-3rd

Jessica Hughes-2nd

Jennifer Franks-SPED

Juliana Albers-SPED

We will host interviews for interventionists, nurse, and paras as the summer progresses.

Enrollment Update

As a reminder our enrollment here at CRE is on an upswing as we are anticipating 580 students to cross our threshold this school year. I am encouraged and excited for the learning and relational gains I am confident will be fostered as each student lands in the hands of our highly qualified, caring, and committed faculty. The possibilities are limitless!!! #aimhighCRE

Social Media Update

Sarah Yocum has taken hold of our Social Media needs here at CRE. Get connected if you haven’t already and stay in touch with the pulse of CRE.

Find us at:

Twitter: #CREfamily

FB: Cedar Ridge Elementary

Instagram: crebranson


 Book Study

The Book Study group is encouraged to reply to each reflective question, in the blog,  to share our learning and reach all team members with information from the book we selected to investigate. We will generate dialogue and extend our learning when engaging each other in a way that opens the door to diverse perspectives related to a common source of information. Please reply with your input to the following question.

Reflection Question #1: After reading Section 1 what area did you relate to the most and why? In keeping with the vision of simplicity share your thoughts on an approach to how you can work to simplify a system or process you currently employ in one of the following categories as well. There are no wrong answers, this is just an avenue of professional growth and awareness.  Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and reflecting on Section 1 of The 12 Touchstones of Good Teaching.

*Rigorous standards to guide learning

*Student buy-in to learning objectives

*High performance criteria

*Evaluation aligned with standards and criteria

*High expectations

Bucket Fillers

You can hear the buzz of summer school coming from the Primary building. It is exciting to know our students are being loved on, fed, and academically stretched for these next few weeks of summer. They are experiencing fun events, puppet shows, intervention, and new relationships which will last far beyond the 12 days of summer school. Way to go summer school team!

The Branson Pirates Relay for Life Team showed up, set up, and worked hard once again for a necessary cause, to find a cure for CANCER. It is an honor to continue this tradition with friends who were there to support my family through my dad’s battle with cancer and still standing close in support when we lost him in 2009. We had the opportunity to celebrate our own heroes and survivors which really puts all other struggles in life into perspective. Thank you to each of you for your extra efforts to give back, serve, and support others who are impacted by this dreadful disease. #aimhighCRE


Enjoy your Summer!!!


June 4, 2015

Summer office work has taken off! We have cleaned, decluttered, and purged all things old. Mrs. Thompson and I have knocked several tasks off of our summer worksheet, hiring is in full swing, and next week is set to be just as busy.

Pinterest Board: You are welcome to pin to this board as a central location for all things Dream Big Aim High. Go!!! https://www.pinterest.com/collinsm1/dream-big-aim-high/

Bucket Fillers: Sarah Yocum spent her afternoon at CRE setting the stage for our Social Media explosion. She was a great problem solver and encourager for my less than tech-savy moments. Her passion and desire to share her talents in this area are commendable and exciting for our school families who will feel better connected.
