Aug. 15th, 2016

Game On!!!

What a thrill it is to welcome back our students and few extra as well. Thank you for all you have done to prepare well for the start of the school year. It will take us a few days to find our rhythm so please be patient and aware of needs throughout the day. Remember, consider the view from a student’s lens…the things we fuss about may never even make the list for a student. Excitement for learning, connections, and healthy interactions fuel their kid needs. Superheroes in Training commences in 5…4…3…2…1…

Class Schedule

Please be sure your schedule is posted outside of your classroom and submitted to the office no later than Fri. Aug. 19th. (sooner is better)

Dates to Remember

9/1 Positive Parent Contacts are due

9/2 PBIS Matrix posted and signed


New fridge in lounge, old one went KAPUT!

The playground is ready for children on day one. The north side is still under construction as some pieces are on back order. Enjoy!

Designated technology instructional time is a requirement. Your class schedule should reflect 30 minutes in the 400 lab or with use of a chromebooks as designated technology instructional time. Dr. Brenner is working on a resource based curriculum to help support

Blood Bourne Pathogens and Compliance Manual ASAP!!

Please cc Mrs. Thompson and myself as needed due to Mrs. Thompson’s split schedule with CRI. This helps us tag team to meet your needs.

School Day at a Glance

8:10 students enter building and go to gym (first day 1st grade to classrooms)

8:10-8:30 Breakfast

8:40 exterior doors close

8:45 school begins

8:50 Announcements

3:35 Car kids dismiss, followed by bus loading (we will use the all call first few days to find our exact times)

Talent Ed 

You will each be receiving an email from your elevator for your 2016-17 evaluation profile. You are free to go ahead and work on your PGP document as you go, just save progress along the way. We will save and submit the document at the end of our PGP meetings. If, for some reason, you did not receive an email from myself or Mrs. Thompson please let me know as soon as you can.

Substitute Info

Please be sure to log absences in SIS FIN Portal as soon as you know you will be gone. This allows Maggie time to find a quality sub to replace you. In case of emergency, please contact myself at 417-294-7126 please text or call as soon as you know you will be out. I am ready to receive calls as early as 5:30 a.m.

School Messenger

SM is our current operating tool for communication. I sent out a test/lunch reminder to staff last week using SM. If you did not receive this notification you are not on our building group. If this is the case please let Maggie know as soon as possible.


Faculty, as a reminder all teachers are required to maintain a class web page on our website. The expectation for faculty pages is minimal but all information must be up to date.

Bucket Fillers

Marta Nangle is the face of Branson Schools for so many of our ESL families. She goes to homes, hospitals, restaurants, etc. whatever it takes to connect and support. She is a gift to our community and comes through without fail each time. Thank you Marta for serving and serving so well!

Ginger’s smartboard disappeared very close to the first day of school. Without a thorough understanding as to why, she was calm and prepared to teach without it. You would not have known she was inconvenienced by her demeanor. Thank you for your maturity and understanding in the moment.

Jacki Lee’s approach to information receiving and sharing is a healthy balance when trying to kick off a new year. She is accepting and ready for challenges as they may come. Her dedication to the craft and continued commitment to young learners as individuals with a voice to be heard speaks to her integrity as an educator.

Evelyn has worked diligently to cover all information with incoming families. She often is pulled between office duties and enrollment, which takes a focused effort to complete, thoroughly. Thank you for your good work, strong work ethic, and detailed mindset! Our new families have been WELCOMED well!



March 2nd, 2015

I recognize the news has not be uplifting lately and our school community has taken some hard hits as well. Let the events in our community remind us of our purpose and desire to leave an imprint on the lives we touch. An imprint can be a game changer for a child, family, colleague, etc.

Dates to Remember:

Dr. Seuss Week-2nd and 3rd grade are enjoying their level of participation in the daily dress up menu and 1st grade will reserve their celebration of Dr. Seuss for Friday. All grade levels are highlighting great works by Dr. Seuss throughout the week. Will Thing 1 make an appearance this week? (Mr. Huddleston???)

Picture Day: Wednesday, March 4th/ We will have parent volunteers and a schedule to guide the process. Will share schedule as soon as possible.

K Circus Rehearsal: Th 3/5/15 9:15-11:00 in CRE Gym

K Circus: Fri 3/6/15 10:00-11:00 in CRE Gym (K students will be in main hallways earlier for lining up)

PLC: Assessment Planning Update/Video

Branson PTO Meeting Updates

Talented: If you are on eval cycle this year you would have received an email regarding PreSummative action. This is just a notification in the Talent Ed program and I will schedule meetings with you individually to review Summative Evals when the time comes.

Bucket Fillers: Ms. McCormick hosted an impressive book review during the 1st grade literacy team meeting today,  in anticipation of our Author Visit on April 7th. she knew the book’s content cover to cover, literally. We are #crestrong because of our librarian who invests her time and effort in supporting literacy in all classrooms. It will be a busy week for Ms. McCormick with book fair at both CRP and CRE.


February 25, 2014

This week started off full blast and hasn’t slowed down yet. Great happenings to report on from my perspective: parent meetings have yielded positive outcomes, District RtI Meeting discussion was encouraging with emphasis on the CIM process, we are entering the hiring season (which is fun and exciting), and the Character Assembly was great today!!!

Thoughts that I have had and would like feedback on:

Does CRE want to participate in a Weight Loss Challenge this year? If so, who would be interested in organizing said event? (I know I could use some motivation…) Let me know your thoughts on this idea.

CRE Family News:

Jeff Gaar is our new day custodial lead. Some of you may recognize Jeff from the Primary where he served on the night custodial team. Jeff recently transferred from the District Offices where he was valued and appreciated for his hard work. I am thrilled to welcome Jeff, and look forward to the relationships he can look forward to building here at CRE. We have a reputation to uphold and welcoming a new team member and creating opportunities for him to feel valued and accepted are certainly areas we excel in.

Who is Jeff Gaar? Mr. Gaar graduated from Branson High School in 1986 and College of the Ozarks in 1990. He has been married to his wife Stayce for almost 23 years. They have three children; Hayden 19, and twin girls; Maddie and Mariah who are 17. All three children are enrolled to attend College of the Ozarks this fall. Jeff has been with the district for almost 2 years and has proven his abilities in gaining a lead position here at CRE. Welcome to the CRE Family, Jeff.

Evaluation Process: Mrs. Thompson will be moving forward with her Summative Evaluation Meetings with those that are on her evaluation cycle in the next few weeks. I am finalizing observations and will run much closer to our deadline. Rest assured all rehire for teachers has been finalized and notifications of concern have been communicated. Evelyn will contact those of you on my evaluation cycle when the Summative Process begins. Thank you for your continued efforts to provide sound learning opportunities for your students.

Office Referrals: First let me celebrate that I feel that CRE has a good, solid handle on classroom management and building processes. The referrals that we receive for discipline are most often legitimate and would require office contact. When in question, it most often comes down to the lack of follow through when an incident has occurred and a staff member has not dug in to get to the root cause of the problem, which most often could have been resolved in the moment. With that being said, if you deem an office visit necessary or it happens naturally based on the child’s behavior; it is imperative that an electronic referral be initiated. With all levels of intervention, office discipline is a layer of contact in services surrounding students that requires documentation. We have been more than flexible with allowing more time to finalize the electronic referral, but it is a required component for completing the discipline process. Remember to email Evelyn upon submitting a referral so that she can make myself or Mrs. Thompson aware of the incident and we can meet with students in a timely manner. Thank you for your diligence in behavior management on a day to day basis, your extra efforts do not go unnoticed.  If you have further questions regarding the expectation, please see myself or Mrs. Thompson.

As a reminder, I made mention of a shift in services involving Marty Bowling a few weeks ago in the blog. (Title services) The final adjustments and schedules have been put in place and students have been shuffled accordingly. We were fortunate in finding spots for nearly all students in need of continued interventions. This process really allowed our building strengths to shine in the areas of : kids first, teamwork, collaboration, and working within the resource limitations that we have. I was proud of the outcome to this process.

I have discussed Grab and Go Breakfast as an option for students checking in tardy at CRE. Further discussion will be hosted with the Reading Recovery team as they serve on breakfast duty as well as seeking input from our CRE kitchen team. Mrs. Morey is in full support of facilitating this extra service if we deem necessary. Stay tuned…

End of the year Fieldtrip cutoff date is May 21st.

Dates to Remember

2/25 PBIS Training in Springfield

1st Literacy Team Mtg 8:00

10:15 CRE Character Assembly

11:30 Boys and Girls Club Advisory Council Mtg 11:30-12:30/Collins Out

2/26 2nd Grade Literacy Team Mtg 8:00

9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg/ Collins Out

11:30-1:00 Elementary Admin Mtg/Collins and Thompson Out

2/27 3rd Literacy Team Mtg

2/28 8:00 Leadership Team Mtg in Brown’s Rm

1:00-2:00 Board Study Session on CCSS and Curriculum/Collins Out

3/3-3/7 Spring Book Fair Week, Spring Picture Day

3/4 1st Literacy Team Mtg in Library

Rutherford Training/Collins travels to St. Louis

3/5 2nd Literacy Team Mtg in Library

9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg

3/6 7:00 am Faculty Meeting, PTO Mtg 12:30 @ BI

CRE Sped Staff Mtg 8:00

PTO Mtg 12:30 @ BI

10:00 Kindergarten Circus Rehearsal

3/7 10:00 Kindergarten Circus Performance

Early Dismissal @ 11:45

3/10-3/14 9:00-2:00 NAIA Gym Use as needed

3/10 and 3/11 MAESP Spring Conference/Collins Out (presenting on Poverty)

3/10 8:30-3:00 PST Team Mtgs.

3/12 9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg/Collins Out

11:30-1:00Elementary Admin Mtg/Collins and Thompson Out

3/12 Admin Meeting @ CO – 9:30a.m.

3/13 March Board Meeting – 6:30p.m. @ CO

3/14 8:00 Leadership Team Mtg,

End of 3rd Quarter

3/17-3/21: Spring Break – No School

3/26 Grades Emailed Home

3/28 Hard copies of report cards go home to those parents without e-mail

4/22 Billy Long visits to read books to the following classes: Mulnik, Schisler, Stutesman, and Brashers

5/21 Field trip Cut-off Date

Team leads and department leads: please take a look at the CRE calendar and let me know of dates or changes that you are aware of that I need to include in an update. Dates to Remember is just an extension to the CRE Google Calendar… I appreciate your eagle eye and help in keeping up with the many happenings here at CRE.

Bucket Fillers: Ms. McCormick has put forth a lot of energy and effort in preparation for a successful Author Visit. She lead the 1st grade team in discussion of details surrounding the event this morning and has a good handle on the how and why to hosting an Author Visit for the students at CRE. I appreciate her extra efforts and focused planning to pull off a memorable event for all students.

“Mom Squad” shout out! I appreciate the support in the building as we share work and mom duty. Brody is often playing under the direction of another mom or friend in the building and it is reassuring to know he is cared for and safe. I welcome my services in return when ever applicable and will be hosting a CRE Staff Kid Party during PLC on March 14th. Thank you for the team that supports not only Brody but myself when it necessary that I serve my role as Principal before and after school. I do not take your extra efforts, patience, and kindness for granted.

Sara Yocum has passed her first Teacher Certification test and can now breathe a sigh of relief. I am certain she feels supported as she faced some “unknowns” last week. Sara is a strong team member of our team and her positive energy is certainly recognized and appreciated.

Amanda McCaleb dropped by to “purge” her thoughts and share a vision in the works for our CIM process. I appreciate her desire for excellence and willingness to take ownership in our improvement planning process. She is fun and refreshing to listen to and brainstorm together with Amanda as we move forward.



February 16th, 2014

I am so excited for a week of sunshine and unseasonably warmer temperatures. OUTDOOR RECESS!!!

Dates to Remember

2/17 MAP Committee Mtg 8:00

2/18 1st Grade Literacy Team Meeting 8:00

2/19 2nd Literacy Team Meeting 8:00

9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg./Collins Out

PST Mtgs. 9:00-3:30

2/20 3rd Literacy Team Mtg 8:00

CRE Spelling Bee

1st: 9:00-10:00

3rd 1:00-2:00

2nd 2:15-3:15


2/21 PBIS Team Mtg 8:00

2/24 District RTI MTg 12:30-3:30 @ DO/Collins Out

2/25 PBIS Training in Sprinfield

1st Literacy Team Mtg 8:00

10:15 CRE Character Assembly

11:30 Boys and Girls Club Advisory Council Mtg 11:30-12:30/Collins Out

2/26 2nd Grade Literacy Team Mtg 8:00

9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg/ Collins Out

11:30-1:00 Elementary Admin Mtg/Collins and Thompson Out

2/27 3rd Literacy Team Mtg

2/28 8:00 Leadership Team Mtg in Brown’s Rm

1:00-2:00 Board Study Session on CCSS and Curriculum/Collins Out

3/3-3/7 Spring Book Fair Week

3/4 1st Literacy Team Mtg in Library

Rutherford Training/Collins travels to St. Louis

3/5 Spring Picture Day

2nd Literacy Team Mtg in Library

9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg

3/6 7:00 am Faculty Meeting, PTO Mtg 12:30 @ BI

CRE Sped Staff Mtg 8:00

PTO Mtg 12:30 @ BI

10:00 Kindergarten Circus Rehearsal

3/7 10:00 Kindergarten Circus Performance

Early Dismissal @ 11:45

3/10-3/14 9:00-2:00 NAIA Gym Use as needed

3/10 and 3/11 MAESP Spring Conference/Collins Out (presenting on Poverty)

3/10 8:30-3:00 PST Team Mtgs.

3/12 9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg/Collins Out

11:30-1:00Elementary Admin Mtg/Collins and Thompson Out

3/12 Admin Meeting @ CO – 9:30a.m.

3/13 March Board Meeting – 6:30p.m. @ CO

3/14 8:00 Leadership Team Mtg,

End of 3rd Quarter

3/17-3/21: Spring Break – No School

3/26 Grades Emailed Home

3/28 Hard copies of report cards go home to those parents without e-mail

4/22 Billy Long visits to read books to the following classes: Mulnik, Schisler, Stutesman, and Brashers

We are anticipating the final word on the end of the year schedule reflecting our plan for making up snow days soon. There are many layers to finalizing the school calendar and this decision is not made without careful consideration for all involved.

The Pennies for Patients Collection continues through 2/21. I am amazed at the support for this worthy cause!!! Ask and you shall receive. Check out the collection goal charts in the cafeteria, the kids go crazy at lunch comparing totals.

Take note that I have scheduled the March Faculty Meeting for Thurs. March 6th. I had to move it from a Tues. to a Thurs. due to my travel for the month of March. Thank you for making arrangements to attend. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 and the meeting will begin promptly at 7:15. We will see how we do on time and go back to a start time of 7:00 a.m. if necessary. I will provide breakfast!

CRE Family News: Pam Hazell is returning to school tomorrow and looking forward to her familiar routine. I know her CRE Family will welcome her with open, comforting arms. Thankful to have her back with us.

Landon Guaer Update: Landon and his family surprised us with a visit on Valentine’s Day. Landon has his next MRI scheduled for February 21st and his family is hopeful on good news. Landon has been struggling with fever, dizziness, and other symptoms related to the location and size of the tumor on his brain stem. They have him on a higher dose of steroids than they would like in order to keep him comfortable as the swelling causes more problems. I will continue to keep you updated on his progress. Our thoughts and prayers continue for Landon’s health and his family during this trying time.

If someone is interested in a working collaboratively to design a CRE shirt in support of Landon’s fight, I would be willing to help set the stage for our CRE family to come together and rally around in support of Landon and his family. I could envision us having a Team Landon day each week for the remainder of the school year. Jeans and your TEAM Landon Shirt you purchase on your own. Let me know if you are interested in helping me out.

Bucket Fillers:

Marta Nangle dropped everything and came to our room to help with a student “in distress”. We really appreciate Marta’s caring and compassionate ways.
Debbie and Sarah
Mrs. Mulnik and Mrs. Blackerby hosted a successful 3rd Quarter Family Night event. I truly appreciate their efforts to reach out to families and draw them into the school setting where memories can be made, relationships strengthened, and the school family can engage in a positive experiences with students and parents. Great Job!
Maggie Snavely really shines in her  “service to others” mindset. In the busy of the day she is empathetic, calm, and actively listens when on the phone with school family members. I love to hear her responding over and over to similar requests made of her daily with “sure, why sure I can, you bet.” She is truly a gem to have on the CRE team. Way to go, Maggie!
Enjoy this week of learning with and from your students.

February 11, 2014

SURPRISE,  SURPRISE!!! Who knew we would not be here a full week, again? I attempted to set out for our scheduled travel plans to attend the Rutherford training with my colleagues yesterday morning about 6:00 a.m. As I drove through town all sighs pointed to canceling the trip, so that is what happened. HOME I went!!!

CRE Family News: Pam Hazell is in Kansas City with her family at this time. They are facing the unknown with her mom’s recent decline in her health. At this time we are not anticipating Mrs. Hazell to return this week and I will keep you posted as she continues to update me on her mom’s health status.

CRE Pizza World Fundraiser tonight!!! This is our first time partnering with Pizza World so come on out and help support CRE tonight. 10% of all proceeds go back to our school. Dine-in or Carry out from 3:00-8:00 p.m.

Dates to Remember

2/11 District Curriculum Meeting 4:15-5:15 at DO

Pizza World Fundraiser 3-8 pm

2/12 9:30-11:30 Weekly Admin Mtg at DO/Collins Out

11:30-1:00 Elem Admin Mtg/Collins and Thompson Out

2/13 3rd PTO Mtg 12:30 at BI

Quarter Family Night for Blackerby and Mulnik 6:30-7:30

2/14 Valentine’s Day 100th Day of School (dress like you are 100 years old)

Leadership Team Meeting 8:00

2/17 MAP Committee Mtg 8:00

2/19 PST Mtgs. 9:00-3:30

2/20 CRE Spelling Bee

1st: 9:00-10:00

3rd 1:00-2:00

2nd 2:15-3:15


2/21 PBIS Team Mtg 8:00

3/5 Spring Picture Day

3/6 PTO Meeting

3/7 Last Day of 3rd Quarter, Early Dismissal @ 11:45

3/12 Admin Meeting @ CO – 9:30a.m.

3/13 March Board Meeting – 6:30p.m. @ CO

3/17-3/21: Spring Break – No School


3rd Quarter: The administrative team is discussion the possibility of pushing back the end of 3rd quarter due to snow days. I will let CRE know as soon as a decision is made.

Do you qualify for student loan forgiveness?

There is a federal loan forgiveness program that will pay student loans for teachers who work in rural/poverty schools.

Branson is considered a rural/poverty school. There are many rules and regulations to this loan forgiveness program. However, some of you may qualify for this particular program. We encourage you to visit this web site for complete program qualifiers:

Bucket Fillers:  Jennifer Engel, April Mulnik, and Melissa Harris have all committed to attending the District Curriculum Meeting today after school. I am thankful for each one of these leaders as they seem to always come through for CRE. There steadfast communication and vast array of strengths have served our CRE Family well. I appreciate each of you!

It was nice to start the day off by spending a few minutes with Jan Dongarra and Donna Schisler. I enjoy a walk around the building to catch up and put my eyes on some of my colleagues that I don’t get to visit with routinely. I love this team, our students, their families, and our district’s commitment to kid’s first.


January 28, 2014


PD Reflection: This was a terrific day of professional growth for our team to experience together. This experience offered many memories, stories to be told and black mail for a later date. Thank you to Nancy Longo and Jane Hasler for fully supporting the vision and working to bring it full circle for all to enjoy. This “shot in the arm” should sustain us for quite some time. CRE Strong!!!

CRE Family News:

I want to thank CRE Family for helping me through this difficult time. Thank you for the beautiful card and gift certificate. Thank you for your prayers and thoughtful words. Each hug I receive comforts and  helps me regain peace in my heart. I am truly thankful to be part of such a great, and loving FAMILY.
 Thank you.

Brody update: He is doing better but is certainly not 100% yet. He plays hard for a while then the fever hits him and he is down again. Today he is home with his Nanny and woke up fever free so we are hopeful this is the end of the ICKS…Thank you for the genuine concern for his health. I do not take the family-focused atmosphere here at CRE for granted. Love this team…


Dates to Remember:

1/28 Attendance Winners Ice Cream Delivery (late afternoon)

1/29 Workshop 101 8:30-11:30, Weekly Admin Mtg 9:30-12:00 Collins Out

1/30 2nd/3rd Literacy Team Meeting 8:00, SWMAESP Mtg 12-2:00 Collins Out

1/31 CRE Friday Breakfast 8:00, 3rd Assessment Update Mtg at 8:00 in Harris’ Rm, PBIS Mtg 8:00


Bucket Fillers: Daralyn Scroggins shared a great opinion writing idea during the 1st grade Literacy Team Meeting. It is evident that curricular knowledge and applicable learning experiences are solid in Mrs. Scroggins classroom. The team was attentive and engaged in the learning moment due to the relational trust within the grade level and the professional respect among colleagues. Thank you, Daralyn, for your consistent focus and continued growth as a leader.

Betty Forrest openly shared her thoughts on curricular pacing that opened the door for healthy collaboration on the topic of writing. The 1st grade team was receptive to the thoughts shared which is reflective of the collaborative climate built within the team dynamics. Thank you, Betty, for our continued desire for simplicity and focus on desired outcomes.
