Dec. 20th, 2017


CRE Family News

Christmas Breakfast was a wonderful moment to share with our CRE family. Thank you to all the little elves who came early and pitched in to help me out. Lupita and our kitchen team were so gracious and accommodating as I disturbed their morning routines. AND then there is Jeff… coming off of a sick day and not feeling 100% helped with all the details so we could pull off our CRE Christmas breakfast. Special thanks to Brody and Jett for making the extra, early morning routines run smoothly. Woot Woot!

Additionally, your competitive nature has sure made all the contests extra fun. Thanks for playing along and encouraging your students to participate. They were in it to WIN it!

Ok, so now we know who are Baby Mamma’s are…Nicole Hopper, Olivia Tristan, and Ellie Brubaker. We can’t wait to celebrate with each of you throughout the 2nd semester.

It was powerful to gift one of our own CRE families with purchases that would make an impact on their family celebrations. We hope that each of you can know that your selflessness provided gifts that exemplify the heart of our CRE family. Thank you to our leadership team in seeing a greater need and supporting this change to leave our imprint on others during this giving season. #CREfamily


2017 winners

Ms. Trimble, Mrs. Brubaker, and Mrs. Engel were the 2017 WRVEC Power Up recipients here at CRE! Way to go, ladies. Thank you for reaching out to local partners to enrich learning opportunities for students.

Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Halbrook, Mrs. Blackerby, and Mrs. Brubaker hosted a sweet family night complete with hot cocoa, crafts, and a photo booth. It was a great evening of shared time together with our school families.

Mrs. Riveros also hosted a family night with her families. There is something so special to kids about coming back to school in the evenings. So fun!


1/3 Grades (due by 3:00 p.m.) and Data Sheets due

Thank you for your focused efforts to make sure CRE is 100% ready for grade reporting to parents.

1/4 Classes resume for students

1/5 Leadership Team Mtg 7:45

1/8 January PST Mtgs

1/9 Data Day

1/12 Academic and Attendance Recognition Assembly 10:00

1/15 MLK Jr.Day/No School

1/18 Donuts with Dads 7:30 a.m.

1/19 Early Dismissal/PD Day

1/26 SPED Winter Wonderland Rotations

1/29 Character Assembly 2:30

1/30 CRE Chick Fil A Night (details to come)

2/2 Leadership Team Mtg 7:45

Looking Ahead 

When we return from break, please plan for PBIs refreshers in all settings.

We will be reviewing NWEA data at our Data Day on 1/9. This will give us an opportunity to collaborate on Spring testing to launch our Fall learning momentum. This will be our first glimpse of this new trend data.

We will be revisiting our BIP and reset our path as we all work toward our learning targets.

It will take a laser focus to come back strong, focused, and intentional with our time in 2nd semester. Thank you all for your efforts to support your learners as they return to us from Christmas break.

Early Separation Incentive

Notice Due to Kim Bryant by Feb. 16th: For those of you eligible to consider retirement this year, the district policy reads: the certificated employee must submit an application to participate in the Early Separation Incentive Plan to the superintendent, at least one week prior to the regular February board meeting of the last full year of contracted employment. The deadline to submit your application for 2018 retirement is February 16. Applications may be obtained from Kim Bryant in the District
Office. If you are a teacher who has been employed 10 or more years in the Branson School District – with eight of those years consecutive employment and you qualify to receive benefits under the Missouri Teacher Retirement guidelines – you are eligible to participate in this program. Specific questions should be directed to the superintendent’s office (ext. 9011).

Bucket Fillers 

Kim Gillman took a vision and made it into a rich learning opportunity for all. The SPED PLC end of semester update was a great opportunity to revisit topics and stretch our learning to better serve students. Thank you for your efforts to host a comfortable environment and create a platform for information receiving and sharing. Well done, Mrs. Gillman.

Ms. Gifford did a nice job updating the team during the PLC kid talk rotations. Her communication about supporting her students and her team with needs during the day was commendable. I appreciate her boots on the ground efforts to be present in all settings to support learners and team members.

Our para team as a whole was engaged, interactive, and seeking direction to provide wrap around services for students. Their questions and feedback were critical to moving forward with student services and best meeting the needs of our learners. It was evident that our paraprofessional team is invested, present, and engaged in student outcomes. This team is the eyes and ears of our building, their influence is great and their commitment to student success is powerful.

Mrs. Brown … always a team player!  Today I asked her to relay a message to Dian about a para being out who helps her with lunch duty.  Long story short I was going to have to step in because we didn’t have a sub to replace the para and I was going to be a little late getting into duty.  Mrs. Brown without hesitation said she would take on lunch duty for me!  It was a huge help as it saved me from adjusting more of my groups and meant Dian was going to get help the entire duty!   Thanks Mrs. Brown!  You are appreciated!! ~ Kim Gillman

Merry Christmas!


December 7th, 2017

CRE Family News

BABIES!!! Guess who??? It is a baby boom kind of year for CRE. Look around,,,hmmmm but don’t make the mistake of asking. That is a NO NO!!! lol Announcements coming soon!

This is a solid example of going from GOOD to GREAT! Our team here at CRE has never settled and continues to grow and stretch, professionally to meet the needs of our learners.

I went shopping on Dr. Worley’s blog and grabbed a few goodies to share with you.

I wanted to share a few tidbits of information that resonated with me from the trauma sensitive schools workshop that I went to last week:

  • Praise, praise praise- Praise is an adjunct to therapy!
  • Don’t spoil the praise with adding a “but” to it.
  • Find out what kind of praise the child likes. Ask them to praise someone else and use the same wording for that child that they used. These are the words they value.
  • Trauma kids don’t understand reciprocity. We have to explicitly teach that skill!
  • We have to solidify a child’s self worth, and not let them be defined by their behavior!
  • Repetition is the key to learning new coping and behavioral skills. This takes time!
  • When a student is in trouble, and you want them to tell you what happened, start with the current moment and work backwards. Don’t start from the beginning and work to the present.
  • Mindfulness is a skill to teach.
  • Yoga is a powerful tool to develop mindfulness and relaxation.
  • Chimes is a great sound to relax kids coming in from recess or a transition.
  • You can find great yoga and chime videos on Youtube. ~Dr. Worley

Emotional Regulation for Kids With ADHD

This is a great article to reinforce many of the strategies that we already employ, but good reminders as we can tire when managing at risk learners. Enjoy this quick read with great takeaways to try.


I know everyone has seen the new Technology Work Order email. As a reminder, we are to use the new system to report needs. I have used it. It is easier. It did yield prompt support. Winning!


As a reminder, when interested in attending a professional development opportunity to first run that my me. We can check Willsub, evaluate need, and go from there. If approval to attend the PD opportunity is granted your next step is to submit request through PDC. The PDC website is still where you go for all things PDC. Kickup is just used to manage and house your PDC hours and information. We are still learning but we will get there.


It is always a good to be reminded we must teach before we expect. Often times it is necessary to reteach and reteach again. Thank you for a team that is committed to the learning process of our students.

I encourage you to keep your foot on the gas as we head to the 1st semester finish line. You will have ample opportunities to maximize learning if you remain routine with your class schedule, expectations, and teaching and learning behaviors.

…and then there are the needs that TRUMP all other categories. Thank you for the professionalism in understanding the needs our learners come with but at the same time encouraging them to persevere and enable them to recognize their true potential. Their possibilities are limitless with the imprints that are made during their formative years. #CREstrong

CRE Leadership Agenda/Notes

  1. Read Your Heart Out Day, March 2nd, Dr. Seuss’s Day, no specials, special area teachers and other guest readers

Everyone in the building participating, Rotation of guest readers, Snack in the classroom

Reading activities in the classroom-Teachers will choose these activities

2.Showcase and Title Night, March 8th 5:30-7:00pm

PTO will sell pirate wear, Book Fair will be open, Planning Committee is underway

(Michelle Brown, Amy Johnson, Jennifer Franks, Melissa Harris)

3.Fundraiser before Christmas break: Subway, Chick Fil A, Golden Corral, etc.

Chick Fil A night date to be determined

Funds used for:  playground equipment replenishing indoor recess resources, catering meals the staff

4.Secret Santa/Social Committee

HO HO Ornament Shuffle 

5. January 19th  PD day

Academic Focus- will be announced soon.

6. Quarterly PBIS Bus Intervention, Dec. 4th, 9:00 am, 2 warnings/suspensions

½ sheet note sent home to explain, Pointed conversation of bus expectations, Vague announcement to send your students to the cafeteria (confidentiality), teachers will get a list to show who to send down when all call is made, intervention hosted by Dr. Collins and Mrs. Thompson

Possible assembly topic- Pam H. will check.

Kim G. will research resources to use during class meetings.

7. Lost and found 

 Nurse Leigh Ann gets first dibs to supplement Nurse’s closet.

School Messenger went out to alert parents of timeline

Teachers are welcome to purchase items for $1 each on Dec. 8th from 8:00-8:30, location to be announced

 Proceeds will go into coke account to supplement building needs.

8. Additional thoughts/needs

PLC Christmas party for staff kids- December 15th

Parents will provide some type of snack., Debbie will talk with kids about activities they would be interested in.

Change school performance for students on different day than actual performance. SPED consideration of number of performances in one day. 

Cafeteria choices still pose a problem for students having fair amount of options at lunch. 

Hosted conversation with Lupita she is on board to consider our proposed request. Stay tuned for more information.

Author Visit- February 14th  Julie Danneburg (First Day Jitters)

Curriculum updates:

Reps will share during faculty meeting, In house meeting with SS,S, and GR to discuss next steps, December 7th, SS and Sci leads will guide next steps between now and deadlines in 2nd semester

Next Leadership Team meeting: Fri. Jan. 5th 7:45

Calendar items- busy times in April and May, get dates on the schedule soon

Assessment calendar will trump any dates that are on the schedule

Staff Holiday Breakfast Dec. 19th 7:30-8:45. Pancakes, toppings, sausage…YUM YUM!!!

Bucket Fillers

Counselor Cody did an exceptional job of following through after a parent meeting. He linked resources and communicated in a manner that let this parent know we heard her needs and we CARE. Spot on, Counselor Cody!

Mrs. Oxenreider has only been back with us for a week and she noticed a change right off that bat with one of her students. A parent meeting was arranged and yes, a lot was happening with her kiddo. I appreciate her attention to a change in behaviors and fast action to meet with a parent to get us all headed in the right direction. Way to be on top of things, Lacie.

Jeanna Bradford impresses me each year as she looks beyond a child’s choices and seeks to know them better. She has reached out to parents to let them know she see’s the potential in their child and continues to host fair opportunity for the truth to prevail. Thank you for giving kids a chance, even if their action don’t earn your trust!

Tiffany Hughes continues to have high expectations for her young learners and holds the bar high with clear language and follow through. I appreciate that she is no nonsense when it comes to the clear areas of concern. Her extra efforts with her learners is a WIN WIN for her student for years to come.

Jeff Gaar is the best when it comes to interacting with students throughout the day. I appreciate that he accepts that we are here for them and seek to enrich their interactions with all adults throughout the course of the school day. It is an extra bonus when one of them actually gets his sense of humor! Ha! Thanks for all you do, Mr. Gaar!

Dana Scott is a strong support for our learners all the time. We have leaned on her in Ms. McCormick’s absence and she comes through each time. The level of professionalism, hard work, and student centered services reinforces the goals of our building. Thank you for your dependability!


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