May 9th, 2017

CRE Family News

The countdown is on and our days are dwindling. The need for safe boundaries is more important than ever for our friends who struggle with shifts in their routines. Thank you for prepping students and giving them outlets to regroup as needed.

Mrs. Nangle has been hard at work to organize a fund raiser to support a CRE family in need. This family has faced a significant tragedy, in the loss of an infant child. This effects two siblings: one second grader at CRE and a fourth grader at CRI. We encourage you to pass along this service learning opportunity to show compassion for friends in need. A flyer will be in your mailboxes tomorrow 5/10/17. Please send home the flyer and support our efforts to raise funds for this family. Wear PINK on Friday for $1!!!


We will have sunscreen available for each grade level to use during your field day time outside on Friday. A note for parents to opt out will be going home tomorrow 5/10/17. Let’s try not to send home any pink bodies. Thank you, Mrs. Engel, for your help in facilitating this student safety charge.

Office Hours

We will be around this summer.


End of the Year

The end of the year checkout form is ready for you. Please be mindful of the signatures you cannot completer until the final day. Mrs. Thompson and I will be checking everyone out on the last day. We will do our best to get this task completed in a timely manner.

I have shared the document in a building email.

Writer’s Celebration

Mrs. Brown has organized our annual Writer’s Celebration for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. It is quite telling that our last Hoorah!! of the year is an academic celebration. This speaks volumes for the focused learning that has taken place at CRE this school year. Way to go, team!

Committee Assignments

We encourage your input in the committee assignment process each year. The sheets are up in the office area: please indicate your #1, #2, and #3 preference before the end of the year. Our goal is to utilize the strengths of the team and assign individuals in a manner that will benefit the whole building and district.

Career Day

Career Day is an example of a memorable learning experience that students can refer to for years. Thank you to our Counseling team for going above and beyond in planning for engaging experiences for our guests and students.

Careers on Wheels: 

2nd grade 9:00-10:00
3rd grade 10:00-11:00
1st grade 11:00-12:00
Afternoon sessions with speakers:
2nd Grade: (PM)              3rd Grade (PM)
1:00-1:20  Session 1        1:00-1:20  Session 1
1:20-1:40 Session 2        1:20-1:40 Session 2
1:40-2:00 Session 3        1:40-2:00 Session 3
2:00-2:15 BREAK            2:00-2:15 BREAK
2:15-2:35 Session 4        2:15-2:35 Session 4
2:35-2:55 Session 5        2:35-2:55 Session 5
3:05-3:25 Session 6 in gym    2:55-3:15 Session 6


Any teacher wanting to checkout a Chromebook will need to go by the tech office and check one out through Michelle Youngblood. This process will help support a Chromebook update throughout the district.

MAP Testing 

Our third graders tested, beautifully! The MAP testing team was spot on each day with protocol, good decision making, and student needs as a priority.

CRE certainly shined through the MAP testing process. It was a testament to the team we have at CRE that testing seemed to flow almost flawlessly. Thank you again to Pam and Pam for their organization and thorough follow through of the testing process here at CRE. Their diligence and hard work of managing computer carts, sending reminder emails, troubleshooting tech problems, and supporting staff were just a few highlights from MAP Central. Thank you to Kim Gillman for orchestrating accommodations and the SPED team for their awesome teamwork throughout the week. All in all, CRE came through like pros!!!

Instructional Spotlight

The 1st grade team hosted a fun tour for our incoming 1st graders. They had the opportunity to buddy with a partner and visit QR codes around the building while following their Pirate Map. Mrs. Scroggins did a great job of organizing the visit. It was fun to connect with our new 1st grade friends!

Artisan Themes

Delight – The ability of the teacher to create instances of learning that are particularly pleasing, charming, unexpected, or surprising… to create a moment that is unforgettable, has a twist, or exceeds expectations.

A delight is a positive surprise. When something happens that benefits us and we were not expecting it to happen, we experience the sensation of delight. Surprise enhances memory.

Types of delight:

•         Random act of positivity delight – We tend to remember extraordinarily positive events.

•         Suspense-resolution delight – We tend to remember how things begin and end.

•          Twist of plot delight – We remember times when we were fooled. A writer weaves an interesting and entertaining plot, the delivers a delightful twist at the end taking story in a completely unexpected direction.

•         Exceeds expectations delight – We remember when things turn out better than we thought they would.


Design delight – It is memorable whenever we encounter something that is particularly well made or well designed for its purpose. A great design often catches us by surprise and we remember our first experience with it.

As a reminder, I will be out for PLC on Friday and have shared the plan with our leadership team members. Mrs. Brown will get PLC round table discussion groups going and dismiss when the task has been completed. I hate to miss this time to come together at the end of the year with the CRE staff, but I will be attending my husband, Don’s graduation.

Bucket Fillers 

Bill Christenson is a great support for all students here at CRE. His years of experience, conscientious actions, and heart for children are all qualities we lean on day to day. Mr. Christenson balances care and consistency with the students that he serves, beautifully. I enjoy the genuine joy that Bill shows when sharing a celebration, small victory, or fun kid story from his interactions throughout the day. #hereoesintraining

Dana Scott is a fast moving target between CRP and CRE, don’t let that keep her from being recognized for her “boots on the ground” work ethic. Mrs. Scott is skillful at what she does and has the experience in a library setting to hang with the necessary pace. Thanks for all you do behind the scenes, Dana.

Nicole Hopper is often caught enjoying lunch with a friend. Her smile, engaging conversation, and kid friendly language sure helps her students enjoy their time in the cafeteria. It is a pleasure to work alongside Mrs. Hopper and observe her connections with kids.




July 27th, 2016

Hey Gang!

Don’t worry your summer is not over yet!! Just want to crank out info as it comes so as not to overwhelm you all at once. Sip some lemonade and take a deep breath…

Hiring Update

Jana Payne is joining our 3rd grade team. Jana was most recently an instructional technologist and comes to us with 7 yrs of classroom experience. Welcome aboard, Jana!

Article Club 

I am sharing the articles we have discussed thus far in our summer article club. They have been selected by team members and helped guide very productive instructional dialogue. Good for all, enjoy!

Attention, Students:Put Your Laptops Away

Teacher-Provided Positive Attending to Improve Student Behavior

School Messenger 

As you all know we are launching a new school communication tool. As we prep for staff communication it is important that you log into SIS FIN PORTAL and update or double check your contact information. School Messenger is dependent on the information provided within our system. To login to your SIS FIN PORTAL your username will be your school email address and your password is your school ID number. If you have any trouble logging in please contact Michelle Youngblood at X 9801. This is one quick thing you can check off your list so that you will receive building communication, notifications, etc.

Mock Dismissal 

Our mock dismissal time is set for 10:00 on Aug. 16th. We will dismiss by an all call which may not be right at 10:00. This is a test run for students, teachers, offices, and the transportation dept.

Bus Staging 

Bus Staging 2016-2017

Building Update

Jeff and our custodial team have the building ready and can be accessed and walked on as needed. Please be cautious when moving items across the floor and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance to avoid undoing their hard work. Classrooms are being filled with chairs and desks to accommodate current number of students and few more just for fun. There will continue to be need for adjustment with furniture pieces. As the need for subtle shifts arise please email Jeff if it is something you need assistance with beyond your individual or team efforts. Remember when in need of purging or acquiring items a building email is a powerful tool.

Bus Routes

Regular Ed Buses Drop Off and Departure Times

8:10 – 8:20 AM * 3:53 PM

SPED Buses Drop Off and Departure Times

8:05 AM 3:35 PM

Committee Assignments

CRE Committee Assignments 16-17 (1)

Routing Sheet


Building Map 


Duty Schedule and Master Schedule

Coming Soon!

Bulletin Boards

We have a lot of them and they need covered! Think big and easy but please make plans to take care of all bulletin boards in and around your grade level areas. The same board assignments remain (1st, near restroom, 2nd near speech, 3rd near counseling class). Let me know if you need any materials to make our building look extra sharp.

Bucket Fillers 

Michael Gones created an efficient means for the teachers here at CRE to have a voice in technology needs in the classroom. I appreciate his extra efforts in creating the all you need to know, back to school ppt. to help each of us prep for the start of school. Nice work and great communication, Mike. Thank you!

Dian Burge is up here lending a helping had to friends who are working in their rooms and getting a head start on her work space. She is a gem and we are lucky to have here as a part of our CRE Family!

Juliana Alber is taking the necessary steps to utilize all that she learned her first year with Branson and be proactive going into year two. Way to think ahead and support those around you. Juliana’s desire to teach and teach well is inspiring! #heroesintraining


April 12, 2016

Faculty Meeting Follow up

I thought of a great It Rocks/It Sucks topic: Cigarette Tax to support Early Childhood Education… and go! Chime in if you would like by replying to the blog. Learning from each other is a valuable resource.

We ARE going to make it! Promise..

Thumbs Up Day

Thumbs Up Day 4/27, notes to use for the day coming soon. Encourage one another!

CRE Family News 

Grandma Cathy has been facing a season of health issues. She is currently in rehab following a surgery and is awaiting bypass surgery that is scheduled to take place in a few weeks. We are sad that Grandma Cathy will not be returning to school this year but we will try to keep everyone updates on her progress. She has received flowers, cards, notes, etc from her CRE Family.

Mr. Brandt, one of our lunch buddy’s passed suddenly this week. All of his students and parents have been notified with the assistance of our counseling department. Every time I saw him in the halls I would ask ” Haw are you today?” His response, without fail was always ” Sassy as ever!” He will be missed!

Staff Kids

Two things…

#1   Staff Kid Party, April 29th, 3:00-4:00 ~ Treats~Pizza~Drinks~Dance Party~ invites coming soon!

#2  The Australian Kaleidescope is scheduled to be held in the gym on Wednesday, April 13th. Our very own staff kiddos have been curious in the past with the items on display. Please remind your kiddos to steer clear of the gym and the items on display as they are very valuable. Thanks a ton!

Committee Assignments

Committee assignment signups are on the office wall. Pleas share your input so that your talents can match our need.


The 400 lab will be used for MAP practice testing on Wed. 4/20- Fri. 4/22. With district devices being pulled to fill need across the district we are going to be dependent on access to the lab on these dates. Thank you for your continued flexibility and collaborative efforts during our assessment season.

Bucket Fillers

Maggie Snavely has really embraced her power as our attendance secretary. She is aware of the ins and outs with family circumstances and holds parents accountable to appropriate number of days out, excuses, etc. She is a great advocate for student attendance and finds a balance in managing her information seeking skills and relationships with school families. She is quite skillful with her words!

Jan Dongarra has jumped in with both feet to supporting our efforts with grant writing to move forward with a sensory garden here at CRE. Thank you, Jan for your “get it done” attitude and desire to share your talents in this area. You are a gift for this team!

Donna Rastorfer had to miss a few days due to illness in her family. I can confidently say our hallways were a little dimmer due to her absence. Thank you for sharing your light of positivity, services to others, and strong work ethic with our CRE team. You are a game changer, Donna!

Melissa Halbrook has the patience of a saint. Her interactions with students, parent challenges, and overall academic focus are all commendable areas for her as a professional. She greets her students with a smile and conveys acceptance and grace to each of them. We are stronger because of you and your heart, Ms. Halbrook.



May 13th, 2015

SIS Class List Data is due May 22nd. This is at the end of the week we host Data Days and all data is due anyway, so we will need SIS data finalized to move forward with our collaborative class list plan for PLC the following week. Thank you in advance for your attention to detail in this process.

Committee Assignment Grid: The grid is available for individual input in the process of creating committee assignments for the 2015-2016 school year. As a reminder please place your name on three individual sticky notes and indicate with an A,B, or C to indicate your choice of committee assignments. The wall grid is outside of my office, in the hallway leading to Mrs. Thompson’s office. Please finalize your selections by the end of this week.

We finalize MAP testing today. The final gift card drawing winners will receive their incentive this afternoon. Once all students have finalized their ELA test we will host he drawing for the two mini IPADS. I anticipate this being on Thursday over the intercom, during morning announcements.

Bucket Fillers: Nancy Dygert continues to rise above as a positive light for CRE. Her disposition is both recognized and appreciated for all that she does to positively influence those around her. Thank you Nancy for filling buckets at CRE. #crestrong

1st grade SHOUT OUT!!! I do not want this Bucket Filler to go unnoticed. The 1st grade has worked exceptionally hard this year to insure that unique student needs are covered in support. As you know this is a tenacious process that involves going the extra mile, hosting the hard conversations, confirming appointments, parenting from school, etc. Students who started their first grade year unsuccessful are finding the joy in the school day, functioning with support, and making their way as a more successful learner. Student outcomes are diverse but let it be known that the 1st grade team has rallied to support their students. We have meds where meds were needed, we have sped services in place, we have parent support, we have behavior plans yielding success, and we have solid foundations for our soon to be second graders to model as they move forward in their learning journey. THANK YOU for your professionalism, your grit, and your desire to change the direction of a child’s future for the better. #crestrong


August 20, 2014

It has been a great day at CRE!!! I enjoyed Open House, the returning students, new families, and the overall excitement that each one of them brought with them. I got some good hugs last night, as I know many of you did as well.

Here are some important updates to review as you plan for the week ahead.

We continue to be very busy in the office with enrollment. You will continue to see changes to class lists throughout the afternoon.

Dustin will be coming around to reimage all smart boards this afternoon in order to be ready for use tomorrow.

2014-15 Master Schedule duty draft (uptodate)

Branson Cedar ridge committee assigments

CRE August Faculty Meeting 2014

Bucket Fillers: Kendra McCormick really has a lot of details to juggle managing two libraries, double duty in both buildings, and working for two administrators (3 at this time). Thanks for working diligently to keep all the balls in the air, it is appreciated by many.

Ginger Conner did a fantastic job preparing for our Safety Meeting and Intruder Drill. Ginger does not like the spot light but she is masterful at the intricate details in all the behind the scenes planning. Thank you for sharing your talents with our CRE Family. #crestrong


June 24, 2014

I hope each of you are enjoying some fun in the sun this summer. I will work through Thursday, June 26th and then be on vacation through July 14th. If you need to reach me for any reason you are welcome to contact me on my cell (417) 294-7126. We will be traveling some but I will be available to return calls as necessary.

Here is an updated building map for you to use as a reference.

CRE Building Map

I am attaching the Tax Exempt document for you to use throughout the school year in purchasing items for your classroom.


Branson Cedar ridge committee assigments Here is the updated committee assignments as of now. I hope that you find your input was most valuable and that some movement had to occur to accommodate change.

Hiring Update: Abby Harrmann-Wells is joining our 1st grade team. Abby will first tie the knot this summer and come back as Mrs. Wells. Corey Huddleston will be joining our SPED Faculty, we are thrilled to welcome Mr. Huddleston back in his new role. Bill Christenson will be joining our paraprofessional team here at CRE, we will miss him as a sub but we are grateful to have him on board full time. Another familiar face to CRE is Jonathan Beasley, you will see him five days a week here serving our students as a paraprofessional. We are bringing a few new faces to the crew as well, Shelly Ray will be joining our SPED team as a para offering her experience working with young children in our area. Megan Chaisson (pronounced Shasson) is also coming to us as a paraprofessional ready to serve. We are thrilled to welcome our new team members as they will all make our team stronger with their dedication to children.

TIP: If you are a Mentor you are invited to attend the lunch on July 30th with your Mentee. Lunch will be provided at the District Office and then you are welcome to return to CRE to assist your Mentee with On-Site Orientation. Please let myself or Mrs. Thompson know your plan for the day regarding lunch and returning to CRE so that we can plan accordingly.

Extra Duty Contracts: If you are receiving an extra duty stipend for anything other than grade level rep, please let me know. I want to verify that Central Office has all accurate information.

Bucket Fillers: Evelyn printed, sorted, and stuffed 530 back to school packets for our returning families. Whew… what a task! She has been so great to initiate student follow up phone calls as well. You know the kids you worry about in the summer, yep she called them on her own to check on them and their families!!!


Summer Updates

Hello Friends…


It has been nice seeing so many of you in and around the building today. It has been a great day at TIP with our new team members! We are looking forward to four full days of new staff induction and learning. I hope to see many of you on Thursday at the technology institute!

There are still a number of items on our To Do List in order to be ready for school to start, but I am proud of the progress that has been made and the overall commitment from all departments to pull together to finalize building preparations. Luke has jumped right in and is taking good care of needs that arise as well as attending to the details of new building set up. Thanks, Luke!

Back To School Documents:

I am providing links to important documents in this blog post. These are documents that you may need to reference throughout the school year for various reasons. You can move them to your desktop if you choose to do that, but they will always be available via the blog.

Disclaimer: There is always a possibility that we may need to make further adjustments and changes as the start of the school year nears. I will update with final copies as changes occur.

Beginning of School Letter 2013-2014

Information Sheet 2013

2013-14 Master Schedule

CRE Building Map

Branson Cedar ridge committee assigments

Hot Sheet 2013-2014

routing sheet for cedar ridge

K-6 Parent-Student Handbook 2013-14

Back to School ScheduleHot sheet

Gifted: Gifted Services for CRE students will be on Wednesdays for 2nd and 3rd grades from 9:00-11:30. Mrs. Bronn will pick students up in the office and escort them to her classroom at CRI. The Gifted cluster teachers are: 2nd/Hasler and 3rd/Harris.

Mentor Assignments:

Helms 2nd/Schisler, Miller 3rd/Brashers, Dale SLP/McCaleb, Johnson SLP/Felton CRP

Class Lists: This is my next area of focus and will work toward the goal of providing Class Lists by Aug. 16th.

Building Updates: final classroom cleaning will be complete by Aug. 16th. I have heard we have some pesky spiders in our home, good news the bug guy is coming soon. Bye… Bye Spiders! Continue to correspond with Luke regarding furniture needs and purging of items. The furniture from the Primary will be moved to CRE this week.

Recycling: If you are interested in facilitating a recycling program for CRE please see myself or Mrs. Thompson.

Lindenwood is offering a Masters of  Arts in Education Degree and a Masters of Arts in School Administration Degree at the new OTC Campus here in Branson. I will place fliers in your mailboxes for your review. If interested or have any questions, just let me know.

Hope to see you at the Tech Conference on Thursday, August 8th!

Please have your teacher desk in position if you are currently working in your classrooms. Once your desk is in place put a sticky note on top of desk to let Dustin know you are ready for him  to set your computer. He will be setting up PC’s this week and into next.

Bucket Fillers:

I had a conference with a great family to day who could not say enough great things about Ms. Pardeck. She has obviously built relational trust with this family that enables them to fully trust our district in providing a quality educational experience for their children. They genuinely valued the relationship she had with their son and was thrilled he was returning to CRE for his 3rd grade year. Great Job, Sara !

Donna Schisler dropped by for something unrelated to what I asked of her. I appreciate her willingness to assist with any random request. Thanks for the extra set of eyes, Donna 🙂

See you all soon.
