December 5, 2013

WELCOME BACK! Here we are the week before Christmas Break, sure seems like it snuck up on us. IT DID! We are 5 Snow Days in and Winter doesn’t start until Dec. 21st. The good news is we can plan for a full week of school this week. Temperatures will get into the 50’s.

I realize this will be a week of intensity in the classroom for most everyone. Emails and adjustments will continue to be made to accommodate our ever changing needs. This is a good time to slip in a reminder about the early Christmas Gift I shared via Remind 101 this weekend. JEANS WEEK for the CRE Family!!!

I am excited for our 2nd grade concert on Tuesday evening. (please be prepared to dress professionally for this event, considering that it is a jeans week) Thank you in advance.

Christmas Party Rescheduled to This Friday:

We will move our Christmas party to this coming Friday, December 20th during PLC. Our Social Committee has worked hard to plan an enjoyable time for us to gather as a building. This is a great way to continue to build cross-building relationships. The CRE Family is growing stronger each day by building stronger relationships and sharing experiences with each other throughout the year. Come to the cafeteria on Friday ready to kickoff the Christmas Break with friends and family that you share SCHOOL LIFE or LIFE LIFE with… Good Times!

PLC schedule 13-14 2nd semester has been updated with a slight change in March. Here is a reference for you to use.

Bucket Fillers:

Evelyn is coming back tomorrow, Monday 12/16. She is a Rock Star for attempting full time the week before Christmas Break. I have missed her so very much, please be gentle as she eases back into her work week.

Week at a Glance

12/16 PST Meetings 9:30-3:30 rm 608

12/17 CRE Leadership Team Mtg at DO 8:00-3:00

10:00-11:30 2nd Grade Concert Rehersal

4:15-5:15 District Literacy Mtg

6:00 pm 2nd Grade Music Concert

12/18 Weekly Admin Mtg 9:30-11:30/Collins Out

CRE Dec. Faculty Mtg 4:00

12/19 Dec. Character Assembly 9:15

10:15 Title 1 Goal Setting Admin Mtg with Mr. Allen/Collins Out

12/20 End of 1st Semester

PLC 3:00 1st Semester Celebration (Check Social Committee emails for details)

I am looking forward to celebrating a week of hard work for both teaching staff and students. Christmas break is certainly within reach and WE CAN DO THIS!
