September 26, 2016

Instructional Spotlight


Mrs. Ball hosted a great example of mental models in her literacy lesson today. She was able to create a structure for learning with images and image-text models. Students were able gain vocabulary background to help them understand new learning concepts.


For just $5, you can be a member of the Branson PTO. Membership forms are available in the office. You can pay Evelyn and she will get your membership taken care of as well.

MAP Data

MAP Data Goes Public to Media on September 29th.

Branson Education Foundation

The Foundation will be holding a 5K and Half Marathon on Sunday, October 2nd. 100% of all proceeds will go directly to the Branson Education Foundation. All race participants will receive a t-shirt, bag, and water bottle. All those who finish the race will receive a medal and cowboy hat. All teachers will have special discount codes that will be found on flyers that will be available in the office and work room after Monday (tomorrow). The Foundation would love to see as many of us who can participate and have a good day of racing.


A Fun Tech game to spotlight teaching and learning moments, presented by from Dr. Brenner: Pirate Go signs were placed in our building this weekend. See Dr. Brenner’s email for more details in how to participate. Go Pirates!

Curriculum Work 

CRE is off and running with our charge to establish learning goals for both ELA and Math content standards by Nov. 30th.

Steps completed:

  1. District Cur Mtg
  2. CRE PLC Overview
  3. CRE Action Committee Mtg 9/26
  4. Curriculum Work Schedule in place

Steps to come:

1. first work session 9/27/16, 1st grade lit team meeting

2. consecutive work days to follow (see schedule)

3. reevaluate work days needed as we complete strands in both content areas

CRE Curriculum Work Calendar

Please bring a chromebook to the lit team meetings and PLC’s designated for curriculum work. (devices will be provided if you do not have access in your grade level)

I want to recognize the positive attitude of our CRE Family as we set the stage for another curriculum cycle. Many of you have done work, such as this before, and understand it is a team effort and requires a focused effort to meet the mark. I am so very proud of the work ethic and “can do” attitude so many of your put into your daily efforts to serve students here at CRE. A solid curriculum is another layer that will strengthen us as we strive to go from Good to GREAT!


The following drills are scheduled for this week:

9/27 1:45 Fire Drill

  • we will follow through with red/green cards, form for absent students, etc. (email to follow)

9/29 1:45 Tornado

  • regardless of location in the building at time of drill, we move from the West side of the building to the East

9/30 1:45 Intruder

  • lock down in classrooms, move students out of sight from the doorway windows

Math Night

Math Night will be held on Thursday, Sept. 29th from 6:00-7:00


1st- Scroggins and Engel

2nd- Brashers and Brubaker (Schisler?)

3rd-  Mosley, Harris, Stutesman, Conner

Childcare:  Thomas, Ray, and Martinez

We will have pizza here around 4:30 in the lounge, for staff who are staying to participate.

McTeacher’s Night

Thank you for signing up to support our CRE McTeacher’s Night coming up next week on Oct. 4th. We could use some late in the evening representatives, if you are available. Check the sign up sheet for open slots.

Bucket Fillers:

I had the opportunity to sub for Mrs. Oxenreider and her sub plans were beautiful! What a gift to our subs to have thorough plans laid out for them and a class full of students who showed strong evidence of routines. Thank you Mrs. Oxenreider for settign the stage for a successful school day for everyone! #heroiesintraining

Ms. Enoch really shines one on one with students. She engages them throughout their transitions and “teaches” in all settings. The dialogue she shares with students defines her knowledge of their interests, family, and school life. It is a treat to hear her students open up to her and strengthen their connection.

Juli Stutesman dug into to the math curriculum work that was presented today. She embraces a challenge and will lead her team well in defining our learning goals for math. It is inspiring to see her and other team members get excited about charting a path for our district to clarify and define where we are and where we are going.

Trisha Highfill is certainly a leader here at CRE. She is a go to for all things management and kids. Trisha is assigned to morning gym duty because she can manage and engage with students in a positive manner. Ms. Highfill does not shy away from a challenge presented in the day and is ready to help with her experience and confidence.

Mrs. Poor is an open door teacher, this allows me to catch an extra glimpse or two when in the hallway for other business. She is consistenly engaged in the learning experiences WITH her students. She may be leading, facilitating or observing but her actions are engaging and maintain quality learner experiences.

Mrs. Ball is getting her feet under her and eagerly takes on new learning and applies it immediately. It is difficult to learn the ” Branson way” as a new teacher but maybe even more difficult when you come with classroom experience. Her learner attitude is recognized and appreciated as she stretches herself in adaptability. Proud to call you a PIRATE!

Shelly Ray has such a special relationship with her students. She is the face of school for them and they are joyful, engaged, and learners thanks to her positive connections. They physical touch she provides is reassuring to them as she guides them through her day. Relationships = Learning! #heroesintraining



April 21, 2014

CRE Hiring Update: We are thrilled to inform you that the following team members have been invited to join our CRE Family as classroom teachers for the 2014-2015 school year. This critical hiring season gives us the opportunity to capitalize on the exceptional learning experiences we offer our students her at CRE.

You will be seeing Sarah Yocum in and out of 1st grade classrooms as she intentionally structures the remainder of this school year to build relationships with her new team. Congratulations on all your hard work, Sarah!

Victoria Hutsell (Pam Powell/Fouts) daughter will be joining the wild and crazy 2nd grade team. Victoria will finish her student teaching in May and plans to visit CRE after that to connect and acclimate with her new team. Welcome to the CRE Family, Victoria!!

Ellie Brubaker will be transferring to the 2nd grade team for the 2014-2015 school year. Ellie has the experience both with management and curriculum to establish momentum with 2nd graders as she prepares them for transition into 3rd. This will be a great move for her and the 2nd grade team. Good Luck with that crew, Ellie 😉

Jennifer Arjes will be a great addition to the 3rd grade team as she has anxiously awaited the opportunity to launch her teaching career. We are thrilled that she has the opportunity to do that here at CRE!

I want to thank the hiring teams that worked hard to assist in this hiring process. It required commitment, flexibility, and the skill set to look at the big picture in making recommendations that were best for our building.

We are set for success!!! Take the opportunity to connect to our new crew when you have the chance. I will be working with them on the blog, groupwise, etc. If you are interested in mentoring/teaching buddy, etc. let me know.

Character Theme 2014-2015: Color Your World with Good Character

Today Mrs. Thompson and I will be taking Evelyn and Maggie to lunch to celebrate Administrative Assistance day (Wednesday) since I will be out of town on Wed. we are going today. Kristina Willard will be subbing in the office during our absence.

Mrs. Thompson and I are making a much needed Sam’s Run in preparation for MAP testing, picnics, Career Day, and the many children we feed in the office at the end of each day. We have updated the CRE Calendar with on call names during our time of absence (Mr. Engel today). Remember to manage incidents that you can and call the office for emergencies.

A shameless plug for our Branson Pirates Relay for Life Team fundraiser: Tomorrow Tuesday, April 22nd in the CRE Gym (Luau Style Prom)… This event is tons of fun, special guests, raffle baskets, kids dancing… what else is there??? Be there to support a CURE!!!

I will be traveling for the last time this week for Rutherford training in St. Louis. I plan to leave Wed. around noon, following the JH Stuco Community  Breakfast and return Thursday evening. (hopefully in time for Soccer practice with B Man)

Bucket Fillers: Whitney Mosley provided impressive input on a Close Reading experience. It’s a good day when your Literacy Coach brags on you. Whitney, your quiet leadership in solid teaching and learning experiences does not go unnoticed.

Evelyn’s fast action to problem solve around every corner is recognized and appreciated by colleagues. A sweatshirt request happened and within seconds a team member felt valued and appreciated as a part of our CRE Family. Thanks for always “taking care” of it, Ev.

If you are aware of content area Curriculum Summer Work Needs, please see me or Michelle Brown. If it is Math related skip Michelle and see me 🙂

Let me know if I can do something to help you.

Happy Monday, friends.
