January 21, 2014

CRE Family News: Mrs. Molina shared the information regarding the bake sale on Wed and Thurs to raise funds for Dana McPherson (cashier at BI) to help with the unexpected death of her son. If you are interested in baking to support the Kitchen Team’s efforts, please have your items in the lounge that morning. Come and shop the bake sale for goodies an support our won in her time of need. CRE Strong!

Bucket Fillers: Several members of the leadership team worked cooperatively to create a wall display highlighting our 1st Semester Leadership Workday. Thank you all for coming together as a team, sharing a vision, and taking action to make it happen. Another great representation of the core we treasure here at CRE!!! Go Team!

Grace Helms is giving it her all today to get through her math lesson even though she has succumb to first year teacher illness. Ms. Helms is a trooper!

Please take notice that all student desks need to be cleared at the end of the day so that our night custodians can disinfect more often. Luke is also going to work on a routine of disinfecting door handles and throughout the day as well. With these extra efforts in place, perhaps we can work to squelch the germs that have set up camp in our building. Thanks for your good work in the area of educating our students about the importance of proper hand washing and overall health awareness.

Grade Reps you make want to discuss a reteaching moment with your team focused on Cafeteria Conduct. Students are struggling to line up respectfully once they are dismissed from their table and the time their teacher is joining them for dismissal to recess. Thank you for addressing this transition within your grade levels.

As a reminder, Mrs. Thompson and I will be gone this afternoon for a much needed Sam’s run. Depending on the timing, I may not return for the end of the day.
