April 16, 2014

The busyness of the this season has certainly intensified in the last few days. I am feeling the pressure for timely decision making, deadlines, and day to day prioritization of tasks. The great news is that in all settings the CRE Family offers support, distraction, and timely reminders for putting the Big Rocks first. I appreciate each of you and look forward to being apart of the pulse of this building again after the Board Meeting on Thursday. Put your Big Rocks first and take a minute to watch this video… A shout out to my CRE friends who can relate ,,, Job Video

Enrollment Facts: CRP currently has 206 K students in 9 sections with a class average of 22.8 per class. This is a lateral rollover to CRE 1st with 9 sections, putting us at the same estimated class size for the 2014-2015 school year. We will plan to move forward with this information at hand. I have heard all good things regarding this K crew. ;0

Teaching Contracts will be issued following the May Board of Education Meeting. Woot Woot!!! They will be issued on May 9th with an expected return date of May 24th.

Dress Code Reminders: With the Spring weather starting to effect our clothing choices each day, it feels like the right time to clarify dress code expectations. Please do not plan to wear shorts during contract hours. There are many celebratory opportunities for us to be flexible with our clothing choices, and I am very liberal as a leader when granting said days of celebration. With that being said, the expectation is that CRE will lead our district in following dress code expectations without fail. As a reminder, denim on Fridays should be paired with School Spirit colors. Thank you for all you do to highlight our awesome CRE Family, your efforts in areas such as this do not go unnoticed and are appreciated more than you know.

CRE Family News: Our friend, Lori Collette, BE 1st, has just recently been diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She has shared with me that it is a fast growing type and she is scheduled for a double mastectomy on the 29th of this month. She will then begin chemotherapy a month following her surgery. This news has hit hard and she is reeling to regain her footing. A kind word, note, email, etc would be a welcome distraction at this time. I will keep you posted on our plan to support Lori as BE gets the ball rolling.

Aiden Guenther, 3rd Ms. Stutesman , took the Cold Water Challenge for Andrew Majors and donated his $50 to Andrew’s family. It is even better when you see true giving take place from child to child. Awesome!!!

Along those same lines… Andrew’s family left for St. Louis yesterday but not before Ms. Lee sent them away with a fat envelope full of cash. I don’t think any of us anticipated the “love” felt throughout our district. Mrs. Majors went to pick up cookies she had ordered for the class party: PAID FOR. She went to check her family into the hotel in St. Louis: PAID FOR… #lovethiscommunity Thank you all for being apart of stories like this each day at CRE.

Morning Duty Change: The perimeter doors will now remain locked. On duty staff please prop doors open and only allow students to enter the building from these locations. Parents can enter through the front entrance. The doors being unlocked in the a.m. are a breech in our building security and this change should help us streamline our process for

Bucket Fillers: Hannah Johnson was praised by her colleagues for her consistency in services, spot on speech therapy directly tied to student needs, and quiet by mighty status within our CRE Family. Excellent remarks from a colleague, Hannah!!!

Nancy Longo has partnered with classroom teachers to facilitate illustrations for their Authored Book. Wow, the organization that this project took really highlights the extra efforts and desire to create memorable learning experiences. Nancy, thank you for taking this on late in the year and the flexibility in your year long planning.

Counselor Cody shared the Job Video which presented a moment or reprieve for myself. Thank you for sharing, Cody…

Think…Feel…Do… What has someone or something caused you to Think, Feel, or Do today? Let me know, let them know, and spread the word of what actions or words we are doing MATTER to those around us!!!
